1. Quantum Elettrodynamics: Feynman rules, tree level processes ( Rutherford, Compton and Bhabha scattering, Bremsstrahlung).
2. Non Abelian gauge theories: non-Abelian gauge fields kinetic terms and selinteractions, covariant derivatives.
3. Quantum Crhomodynamics: The "colour" algebra, Feynman rules and scattering amplitudes for gluons and quarks at tree level.
4. Electroweak gauge theory. The Fermi effective Lagrangian: Feynman rueles and muon decay. SU(2)xU(1) gauge theory and Electroweal unification.
5. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of a symemtry: the discrete and continuum cases. The Goldstone theorem and the Higgs mechanism.
6. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Electroweak symmetry.
7. The electroweak Lagrangian for one and three families.
2. Non Abelian gauge theories: non-Abelian gauge fields kinetic terms and selinteractions, covariant derivatives.
3. Quantum Crhomodynamics: The "colour" algebra, Feynman rules and scattering amplitudes for gluons and quarks at tree level.
4. Electroweak gauge theory. The Fermi effective Lagrangian: Feynman rueles and muon decay. SU(2)xU(1) gauge theory and Electroweal unification.
5. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of a symemtry: the discrete and continuum cases. The Goldstone theorem and the Higgs mechanism.
6. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Electroweak symmetry.
7. The electroweak Lagrangian for one and three families.