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The project "MY GEO" is promoted by a consortium of nine partner organizations and two associated partners from three European countries: Belgium, Italy, and Spain. In details:

- Four Universities have been identified on the basis of their solid know-how and long-lasting experience of research upon the use of GIS tools in didactics. Furthermore, the four universities own several previous experiences of collaboration in EU funded projects for the modernization of teaching methodologies through the use of innovative e-tools.

- Four companies have been selected since their expertise in using GIS tools for their daily work. Furthermore, they have been selected since they work in different sectors: hence they make use of similar tools for different purposes and apply those in different geographic contexts.

- One international NGO: network of stakeholders working to foster the use of GEO-tools in teaching and learning methodologies throughout Europe.

- Two associated partners: NGO active in the field of youth policies, who will support the communication and dissemination of the project activities and related outputs.

The project ultimately aims at fostering the employability of students in higher education through promoting the acquisition of key skills related to the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools. To this aim, the partner organizations will undertake an initial activity of research finalized at identifying GIS-related key skills widely required by the job market. In line with the outcomes of the research the project partner will implement two different Intellectual Outputs:

- One MOOC for teachers in Higher Education Institutions: aimed at fostering the acquisition of key skills related to the use of GIS for teaching purposes. This Intellectual Output will ultimately lead to the MODERNIZATION of the partner Universities.

- The "PORTFOLIO MY GEO " for students: including a list of key skills and GIS tools widely used by private companies in different sectors. Each skill and tool will be linked to a training session provided in MOOC modality: those will be targeted to students and will contribute to raise their skills in making use of the listed tools. This Intellectual Output is ultimately aimed at fostering the OCCUPABILITY of students in higher education.

Finally, the project partner will organize two rounds for the international mobility of students from each partner University to each partner company. The mobility will be aimed at further empowering the participants on the use of GIS tools, through work-based learning experiences. In this sense, the project will foster the INTERNATIONALIZATION of partner organizations.

The results of the mobilities will be collected and displayed on the project platform, as all the other intellectual outputs previously described. The platform will be an interactive tool collecting and organizing all the project outputs for their dissemination. A session of the platform will allow the interaction among stakeholders active in the field of e-education: fostering the exchange of experiences, good practices and lessons learned, and ultimately contributing to the construction of an European "Community of practices" including stakeholders promoting the use of GIS tools for teaching/learning purposes.

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