
Emission Limit Values for dust

Emission Limit Values for dust

par Pivato Alberto,
Nombre de réponses : 7

Compare the EU and Italian Emission Limit Values for dust in the case of large and medium-small plants.

This information will be used for a specific exercise. The Italian students are recommended to help foreign students for reading Italian regulations.

Some regulations to consider:

- DIR. 2010/75/EU

- D.Lgs. 152/2006

DPR 59/2013

En réponse à Pivato Alberto

Ri: Emission Limit Values for dust

par Scalzotto Benedetta,

Direttiva 2010/75/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 24 novembre 2010, relativa alle emissioni industriali (prevenzione e riduzione integrate dell’inquinamento)

Condisering the Directive  2010/75/EU, under "Allegato VI", we can find that the limit on the average daily value of dust emission by a waste incineration plant is 10 mg/Nm3, while considering 30 minuts the limit is 30 mg/Nm3 (100% dust).
The concentration of dust in the emissions into the atmosphere of a waste incineration plant cannot in any case exceed 150 mg / Nm3 expressed as an average over 30 minutes.

In Italy, the enivornmental matter is regulated by the D.Lgs. 152/2006. I have found that the limit on the average daily dust emission by waste incineration plant is 10 mg/Nm3, so the same as the one of the EU Directive. I noticed that the differentiation based on the plant power is applied to more general cases, maybe searching deeper is possible to find other clarifications.

En réponse à Scalzotto Benedetta

Ri: Emission Limit Values for dust

par Pivato Alberto,
You report the values for waste incineration. What about small industrial plants? (see Allegato I -Valori di emissione e prescrizioni, Parte I e Parte II della Parte quinta del D.Lgs. 152/2006 e s.m.i.)
En réponse à Pivato Alberto

Ri: Emission Limit Values for dust

According to Annex V of DIR. 2010/75/EU, the emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for combustion plants using solid or liquid fuels except for gas turbines and gas engines.
For gas turbines, only nitrogen oxides emissions shall be covered by the plan.

Daily average emission limit values for dust (mg/Nm3)

                                  Coal and lignite & solid fuels             Biomass and peat                    Liquid fuels
For small:                                   30                                                     30                                             30
For medium-sized:                   25                                                     20                                             25
For large:                                    20                                                     20                                             20

Air emission limit values for waste incineration plants:

Daily average emission limit values for dust (mg/Nm3): Total Dust 10
Half-hourly average emission limit values for dust (mg/Nm3): 30

The total dust concentration in the emissions into the air of a waste incineration plant shall under no circumstances exceed 150 mg/Nm3 expressed as a half-hourly average.

Emission limit values into the air:
For dust: 50 mg/Nm3 as an hourly average from major sources and 150 mg/Nm3 as an hourly average from any other source. 

En réponse à FAROOQ UMAR

Ri: Emission Limit Values for dust

par Pivato Alberto,
What about small industrial plants? (see Allegato I -Valori di emissione e prescrizioni, Parte I e Parte II della Parte quinta del D.Lgs. 152/2006 e s.m.i.)
En réponse à Pivato Alberto

Ri: Emission Limit Values for dust

According to Annex I - Emission values and requirements, Part II of Part Five of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and additions ( in Italian).

Organic compounds in the form of gases, vapors, or dust (Table D) The emission values are:

 Relevance threshold

(expressed as mass flow)
Emission value

(expressed as a concentration)
Class I25 g/h5 mg/Nm3
Class II100 g/h20 mg/Nm3
Class III2,000 g/h150 mg/Nm3
Class IV3,000 g/h300 mg/Nm3
Class V4,000 g/h600 mg/Nm3

- In case of the presence of more than one substance of the same class, the quantities of the same substances must be added together;

In the case of several substances of different classes, each class's quantities of substances must be added to the lower classes' quantities of substances.

To respect the concentration limit, in case of several substances of different classes, without prejudice to the limit established for each one, the total concentration must not exceed the highest class limit. For organic compounds in the form of dust, the conditions contained in paragraph 5 shall also be complied with.


According to Annex I - Emission values and requirements, Part III of Part Five of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and additions (in Italian).


Small industrial plants emission limit values (mg/Nm3):


Mws               in which solid fuels are used           Biomass and peat                 Liquid fuels



≤ 3 [1]                                     100                                         100                                         30         

≤ 6                                          30                                           30

≤ 20                                        30                                           30

> 20                                        30                                           30

[1]: For plants with a rated thermal input equal to or greater than 0.035 MW and not exceeding 0.15 MW an emission value for total dust of 200 mg/Nm3 shall apply.

If the biomasses listed in Annex X are used in plants before 1988, the emission values given in the following table shall apply to the en content in the gaseous effluent of 11%.

If other solid fuels are used, the emission values shown in the following values refer to the content in the gaseous effluent of 6%.

≤ 5                              100 – 150                                           100 – 150                               150

> 5                              50                                                       50                                           100

Final note (My thoughts):

I realize that these values are different for different categories of plants based on the end product and, f course,based on the fule type. But I took the values for above mentioned plants (from small plants category) as their thermal input is below 50 MWh.

En réponse à Pivato Alberto

Ri: Emission Limit Values for dust

I want to add to what written by my colleagues that the Annex I - Emission values ​​and requirements, Part II of Part Five of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and addition reports emission limit values for total dust equal to:

50 mg/Nm3 if the mass flow is equal to or greater than 0.5 kg/h the emission value;
150 mg/Nm3 if the mass flow is equal to or greater than the materiality threshold corresponding to 0.1 kg/h and is less than 0.5 kg/h.