
Characteristic Value K (Dust Removal Lecture--- Slide-21)

Characteristic Value K (Dust Removal Lecture--- Slide-21)

Number of replies: 1

Dear professor, 
I have a question about Characteristic value K. Is this formula is correct? I also find the version where it is given as \( K=d_p* \sqrt[3]{(g*(\rho_p- \rho_g)*\rho_g)/\mu^2)} \) Which one is correct?

Could you please also upload some documents that may help that how K is derived?

Thank you

In reply to FAROOQ UMAR

Ri: Characteristic Value K (Dust Removal Lecture--- Slide-21)

by Pivato Alberto -
It is the same. The difference (ρp−ρg) is almost equal to ρp