
Exam dates

Exam dates

di Pivato Alberto -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear students,
here the dates for the exam:

  • 22-01-2020
  • 25-02-2020
As discussed at the beginning of the course The exams is based on three parts:
  • A written/oral exam on zoom: 20 points
  • The presentation of the work group : 7 points (excellent = 7 points; good= 6 points; fair = 5 points)
  • Other activities during the course (questions in « wooclap », discussion on the «one minute paper», etc.) : 3 points (very active participation = 3 points; adequate participation = 2 point ;sufficient participation = 1).

The written exam will include exercises and theoretical questions like the ones discussed during the course and reported in the Textbook I'll send you by the end of the week. The oral exam is required only for specific situations; for example to obtain a sufficient evaluation (18) or the maximum of the grade (>30).

As soon as possible I'll send you the specific procedure to carry out the exam on-line.

Best regards,

Alberto Pivato