
Review of the document containing the collection of exercises

Review of the document containing the collection of exercises

by Pivato Alberto -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

thanks to the comments of your colleague, the file with the collections of the exercises (see section “EXERCISES”) has been reviewed. Some minor typing errors have been corrected.

In particular, I want to underline the following main corrections

·        Exercise 1.30 “Combustion of waste” (in the previous version, the exercise was numbered as 1.31). The combustion reaction was balanced correctly.

·        Exercise 1.31. “Ozone concentration” (in the previous version, the exercise was numbered as 1.32). The ozone concentration is not 208.9 μg/m3, but 215.9 μg/m3.

·        Exercise 3.2. “Centrifugal force vs gravity force”. The ratio of centrifugal force to the buoyance force is 180000 and not 108000.

·        Exercise “8.7. Dew point in SDA and DSI”. The answer is not “Why is the dew point of cleaned flue gas from a DSI higher than from a DSI (dry injection)?” but “Why is the dew point of cleaned flue gas from an SDA higher than from a DSI (dry injection)?”

·        Exercise 11.1 “SCR system” (in the previous version, the exercise was numbered as 11.1). The solution has been corrected according to notes already sent.

·        Exercise 12.4 “Plume rise” (in the previous version, the exercise was numbered as 11.1), the text of the question has been changed.

Finally, the questions on the case study of MSWI have been removed because they will be commented better during the exercise at class.