
Exam 25-02-2021

Exam 25-02-2021

par Pivato Alberto,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear students, according to the instructions for exams during the COVID period, the exam will include written exercises, as usual, and a short oral exam (if necessary as discussed).

The exam will be performed by moodle platform of the course and zoom application.

The first part (written exam) will last between 90 and 120 minutes and it will be performed all together at the same time.

The second part (oral exam) will last approximately 10-15 minutes for each student. It will start after 1-2 h the written exam. We’ll follow the alphabetic order of names.


Preparation of the exam

·             Only students regularly inscribed into UNIWEB can participate to the exam

·             You have to install zoom application and a software scanner (there are many free on the web). Remember to test them before the exam.

·             You have to read carefully the current instructions also reported in moodle platform dedicated to the exams:

·             Moodle platform should be available in order to join to zoom meeting and to upload the written exam (see the specific point)

·             The password for zoom application is “APC2021

·             You have to prepare a room free of other people and monitors, preferably with the desk leaning against the wall

·             During the test, I can ask you to show me the room via webcam

·             You have to prepare blank paper sheets, a pen and an identification document with a photograph; all of them should be available to be shown and check by the webcam.

·             During the exam, you have to close your mobile.

·             you have to accept the registration of the exam for private use; the registration will be cancelled after the vote will be registered.


During the written exam

·             You have to join the exam via zoom 15 minutes before the starting time

·             Before starting the exam, you have to show me your identification document and the room where you are placed

·             Your microphone should remain open. If you need some information, write your questions using the chat in zoom application.

·             At the end of the test time, you have to sign all the papers and show just the first one to the webcam.

·             You have to open the software scanner and prepare a single file (name it as “Surname Name”).

·             The file has to be upload in moodle using the resource “Exam Upload “(at the bottom of the page)

·             During the exam at least two professors will be present.


Oral Exam

The exam will continue with a short oral (if necessary as discussed).


General recommendations

·        If one student loses his connection, his exam is converted into an oral test only.

·        If one student is surprised to copy the test, the written exam is cancelled for all the students

·        If one student leaves the connection before the end of the test, his exam is cancelled.


By taking part in this exam, the student undertakes to sit the exam alone, without external help or unauthorised paper or electronic supports of any kind. Incorrect behaviour may be subject to disciplinary measures as per Art. 29 of the Student Careers Regulations.

Finally, I would like to inform you that this test could be recorded. The recording will be available exclusively to the Examination Board and will be deleted within 14 days of registering the exam grades. Further information, also in relation to the rights recognized by the privacy laws, can be found at: . Students are not allowed to record the exam session.