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EPP6077317 - ENGLISH FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS (BA+EI) 2020-2021 - PROF. LAURA FAVERO CARRARORegister to Feb 15th Exam "Idoneità Inglese II° Appello"15 febbraio 2021 15:00 Monday, February 15th at 3.00 p.m.
EPP6077317 - ENGLISH FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS (BA+EI) 2020-2021 - PROF. LAURA FAVERO CARRARORegister to February 1 Exam "Idoneità Inglese"1 febbraio 2021 11:00 
EPP6077317 - ENGLISH FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS (BA+EI) 2020-2021 - PROF. LAURA FAVERO CARRARORegister to take the 15th June Exam15 giugno 2021 11:00 If you have taken the exam in preceding sessions it is not necessary to upload your ID cards.The exam will take place on Tuesday, June 15th at 11.00.Link to exam:
EPP6077317 - ENGLISH FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS (BA+EI) 2020-2021 - PROF. LAURA FAVERO CARRARORegister to take the exam on Oct. 13th6 ottobre 2020 15:00