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    Un corso di laurea magistrale che fornisce un'approfondita preparazione scientifica nelle discipline necessarie alla comprensione e alla corretta gestione del sistema Terra, negli aspetti teorici, sperimentali e tecnico-applicativi. Acquisirai padronanza del metodo scientifico di indagine e delle tecniche di analisi e modellazione dei dati, di integrazione dei processi gestionali geologici e delle loro applicazioni anche in chiave interdisciplinare e progettuale. Potrai operare come libero professionista o come dipendente, anche a livello dirigenziale, in enti e imprese per attività di programmazione, progettazione, direzione lavori, collaudo e monitoraggio degli interventi geologici, e di coordinamento e/o direzione di strutture tecnico-gestionali.

    A Master’s degree that provides in-depth scientific training in the disciplines necessary for the study of the Earth system, in its theoretical, experimental and technical applications. You will master the scientific method of investigation and the techniques of analysis, management and modelling of geological data and their applications. You will acquire the expertise needed for the restoration and conservation of the quality of the geological systems in a multidisciplinary prospective. Once completed the Master’s degree, you will be able to work as a freelance geologist or as employee, even at top manager positions, in public agencies and private firms for the planning, design, testing and monitoring of geological projects and interventions. As well, your qualification allows to access top positions of coordination and direction of technical structures in multidisciplinary general contexts, e.g., energy, resources, materials, hazards, land management, infrastructures


    • Degree Study Track in Earth Dynamics

      Class: LM-74 Geology Duration: 2 years
      Branch: Padova Language: English 
       Programme Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Mozzi
      Access: open access with admission requirements

      This study track combines solid fundamental knowledge on the Earth’s processes and history with the application of cutting-edge geological techniques and data processing. Through applied research-oriented teaching, field activities and laboratories, the program offers advanced education and training in the geosciences, fostering innovative thinking on diverse issues that are crucial for future society such as the prevention and mitigation of geohazards, land planning and environmental management, Climate Change, the prospection and sustainable exploitation of georesources, geomaterials, cultural heritage protection, planetary exploration. A student exchange international program is active with the Department of Geosciences of the University of Frankfurt (Germany).

      Main language: English.

      Curriculum Geologia Applicata alla Difesa del Suolo e dell'Ambiente Caratteristiche e Finalità - Characteristics and Objectives