Dear Digital Geological mapping enthusiasts,
During our next activities we will use a couple of new software: VRGS and Stereonet.
No need to introduce Stereonet because it is well known by Structural geologists and downloadable at the following site: (Stereonet — Rick Allmendinger's Stuff).
A bit of more preparation needs VRGS which is a software dedicated to the geological analysis of Digital Outcrop Models (i.e. 3D meshes and clouds produced during the previous practical activities).
You might find the instructions to download and install it in Moodle-Course Materials (word file "Ho to Install VRGS") . VRGS works only on window 10 or above. For all of you that have not windows systems or not particularly performant laptops, the software can easily run through the virtual classroom, to which you might access using VMware-Horizon Client (client:; user and password are the same of your SSO).
Once connected into your virtual desktop, you will find already installed both the software. Nonetheless when you will try to run VRGS in your virtual desktop, the software will ask you again the license number which you will find in Moodle (word file "How to Install VRGS") or in E:\GEO\2G_22 . The base data for the practical activity are already in your virtual desktop (in E:\GEO\2G_22).
For those of you that are going to use their own computer the base data are in Moodle as a zip file (M Merlo quarry base data) under the Digital Outcrop Models Analysis topic.
See you on Monday