
Be tutor! - Selection announcement informative and academic tutoring activities 2022/23

Be tutor! - Selection announcement informative and academic tutoring activities 2022/23

di Segreteria Didattica -
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Dear students, 

Tutors help students to manage their study time and to deal with any organizational difficulties, such as completing study plans, and are students enrolled in single-cycle degrees, Master's degrees, doctoral degrees, or specialization degrees, and they receive special training so that they can perform their role effectively.

Every year, the university announces a competition that takes account of university merit, abilities, and aptitudes, evaluated by way of a selection interview. The announcements are published generally in the month of June, with the selection procedure taking place in July. Applications must be submitted on Uniweb (select "Initiatives").

On this page:, you can find some information about study support and the tutoring service of the University of Padova, and the announcements to become a tutor.

Best regards

The Teaching Secretariat