Persistent Identifiers: Commercial and heritage views (Learning Object included)

About the Learning Object


The Linked Heritage project brought together information management standards and best practice from the cultural heritage sector with those of commercial media, such as book publishing, recording music, film and tv, photography.

The aim was to include commercial products in the Europeana Portal, adding the “gift shop” to the European Union’s online museum, galleries, libraries and archives Web site.


To make this happen a team led by EDItEUR researched commercial and heritage information sharing methods. Our full reports can be found at the EDItEUR Web site for Linked Heritage .


This set of four learning objects aims to share some of the knowledge gained, especially on the topic of persistent identifier systems – such as the ISBN or DOI - to enable library and information professionals, as well as museum, archive and other heritage professionals to engage with the best practice in the commercial world and see where common ground exists, with a view to enabling future public-private partnerships.


We present a viewpoint from the commercial sector to enable library and information professionals, as well as museum, archive and other heritage professionals to engage with the best practice in the commercial world and see where common ground exists, with a view to enabling future public-private partnerships.

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CAB, Padua University