Why and how to contribute to Europeana (Learning Object included)

Readings and training materials


European Union: Commission recommendation of 27 October 2011 on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation, (2011/711/EU). Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2011:283:0039:0045:EN:PDF [accessed 13/9/2013]



Europeana: FAQ. Available at: http://pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/providers-faq [accessed 1/3/2013]


Europeana: Cost & Benefits. Available at: http://pro.europeana.eu/documents/844813/852015/Europeana%20Cost%20Benefits(3).pdf [accessed 1/3/2013]


Europeana: legal requirements for providing data (DEA). Available at: http://pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/licensing

[accessed 1/3/2013]
Europeana: procedure. Available at: http://pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/procedure [accessed 1/3/2013]

Europeana Professional. Available at: http://pro.europeana.eu/provide-data [accessed 1/3/2013]

Europeana: technical requirements (ESE and EDM). Available at: http://pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/technical-requirements [accessed 1/3/2013]

Europeana: who we are and what we do. Available at: http://pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/about [accessed 1/3/2013]

Marton, A. 2011, "Forgotten as data – remembered through information. Social memory institutions in the digital age: the case of the Europeana Initiative". PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Availeble at: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/190/  [accessed 10/3/2013]

Museums Computer Group, Museum of London, "Europeana: Connecting society through aggregation". Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/museumscomputergroup/museum-of-london261110 [accessed 27/6/2013]


Musei digitali. Blog di informazione e discussione su tecnologie e musei. Available at: http://museidigitali.wordpress.com/ [accessed 1/3/2013]


Pekel, J. 2011, Europeana: Building a European Identity. Final thesis Master New Media Universitet van Amsterdam. Available at: http://www.academia.edu/1465794/Europeana_Building_a_European_Identity [accessed 4/3/2013]


Purday, J. 2011, "Europeana: from prototype to production". Uncommon culture, vol. 2, no. 1/2, pp. 54-63. Available at:  http://www.firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/UC/ article/view/3940/3141 [accessed 1/3/2013]