Terminology (Learning Object included)
Site: | Moodle - Sistema Bibliotecario d'Ateneo |
Course: | EU project: Linked Heritage |
Book: | Terminology (Learning Object included) |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Sunday, 15 September 2024, 9:35 AM |
About the Learning Object
This LO has been developed in the framework of WP7 of the Linked Heritage-project.
Its aim is to introduce work package 3 of the Linked Heritage-project to unskilled or entry level learners in galleries, libraries, archives and museums.
Work package 3 is dedicated to the exploitation of monolingual or multilingual vocabularies in a digital environment. Almost every cultural institution nowadays uses one or more in-house vocabularies for various museological functions. Thesauri are used as an indexing tool, e.g. the subject index at the end of a book; as an inventory device, allowing structural and logical classification of objects in a collection management system. They can be activated in a database or in an online catalogue as a search tool, allowing more detailed and accurate query results. Vocabularies can be implement as an addition browsing or navigation tool or as an interactive term suggestion application. They also facilitate the synergy of multiple databases.
As the world wide web is gradually growing with information, specialists have emphasized the importance of vocabularies as a way to structure information on the web. The knowledge that is inherent to structured vocabularies can help in information retrieval and online searching, thus increase the development of the semantic web or linked open data.
This tutorial will explain in a simple and practical way following subjects:
- the notion of terminologies and their importance for valorisation of digital content
- step by step guidelines how to valorise your terminology on the world wide web
- an introduction to the terminology management platform (TMP)
- an introduction to Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS)
- an overview of the most recent literature and sites
- contact information
Hosted and maintained by CAB, Padua University
Using the Learning Object
This learning object can be accessed by any modern Web browser.
The video can be downloaded in High Definition.
The text can be downloaded as a .txt file.
Aim: skill
(Under construction)
Case studies
Agnoloni, T., Peruginelli, G., Sagri, M.T., Tiscornia, D. 2013, "Annotation schema for legal doctrine: a case study on DoGi database", JLIS.it, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 227. Available at: http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/5480 [accessed 28/2/2013]
Training materials
Your terminology as a part of the semantic web recommendations for design and management (en)
This publication, edited by Linked Heritage WP3 and ATHENA WP4 "Terminology and multilingualism", aims in priority at people working in European museums, experts or non-experts in Information Engineering and/or Linguistics, who have an interest on terminology and multilingualism. It proposes recommendations helping you to manage your terminology, to make it compliant and optimized for improving multilinguality on Europeana and to make it as a part of the Semantic Web following. The more you respect them, the more you improve the future retrievability of your digital collections online. web version http://www.linkedheritage.org/index.php?en/181/publications (2011) 112 p. https://phaidra.cab.unipd.it/detail_object/o:12621
Bechhofer, S.: SKOS: Past, Present, Future - and a little bit of history, architecture and engineering. Available at: http://videolectures.net/eswc2010_bechhofer_sppf/ [accessed 13/9/2013]
Blumauer, A. Semantic web company : The role of SKOS in a Web of Data - some business use cases Available at: http://videolectures.net/estc2010_blumauer_drswd/ [accessed 13/9/2013]
Blumauer, A. Semantic web company : Linked Data and SKOS. Available at:
[accessed 13/9/2013]
MICHAEL Association website: Seminar on Multilingualism and Terminology, Paris, 18th of April 2013 Available at: http://www.michael-culture.eu/blog/seminar-multilingualism-and-terminology-paris-18-04-2013.html [accessed 13/9/2013]
Romanello, M.: SkOSifying an Archaeological Thesaurus. Available at:
Donnini, A., Ciapetti, A., De Vizia Guerriero, M., Lorenzini, M., Masci M.E., Merlitti, D., Piro, F., Signore, O. 2012, "SKOSifying User Generated Content", Proceedings ECLAP 2012 : Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment : Florence 7-9 may 2012, p.137-142. Available at: http://www.disit.dsi.unifi.it/articoli/pdf_5185.pdf [accesed 11/9/2013]