Linking Cultural Heritage Information (Learning Object included)
Site: | Moodle - Sistema Bibliotecario d'Ateneo |
Course: | EU project: Linked Heritage |
Book: | Linking Cultural Heritage Information (Learning Object included) |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 10:12 PM |
About the Learning Object
This LO focuses on the current structure of the Linked data Cloud - the best known representation of linked data. Size, licenses, subjects… all the informations were extracted from the analysis made by Linking cultural heritage information, the 2nd Work package of Linked heritage.
At the end, Cultural heritage institutions dealing with linked data publication (museums, libraries, archives..) can find best practice recommendations.
Target audience:
Decision makers and project managers of public libraries, museums, archives. Culture and information specialists from museums, libraries and archives.
Thanks to Linked data – especially Linked open data – they can enrich the knowledge and improve their visibility on the web.
Hosted and maintained by CAB, Padua University
Using the Learning Object
Aim: skill
Readings and training materials
Case studies
Bellini, F., Nesi, P. 2013, "A Linked Open Data service for performing arts", Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access, and Entertainment Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7990, pp. 13-25
de Boer, V., Wielemaker, J., van Gent, J., Oosterbroek, M., Hildebrand, M., Isaac, A., van Ossenbruggen, J., Schreiber, G. 2012, "Amsterdam Museum Linked Open Data", Semantic Web journal. Available at: [accessed 4/9/2013]
Gangemi, A. 2013, "Semantic technologies and linked data for the italian PA: The case of",, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 253. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
German National Library releases more Linked Open Data under a more Open License. Open Glam, February 9, 2012. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
German National Library. One year later: Linked Open Data in the German National Library. Open Glam, April 19, 2013. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Menduni, G., Vannuccini, G., Innocenti, G. 2013, "Open data in the italian government: The experience of the town of Florence"., vol. 4, no.1 pp. 435. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Meroño-Peñuela, A., Ashkpour, A., Rietveld, L., Hoekstra, R., Schlobach, S. 2012, "Linked Humanities Data: The Next Frontier? A Case-study in Historical Census Data", Linked Science. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Meßmer, G. 2013, "Linking library metadata to the web: The German experiences"., vol. 4, no.1, pp. 391. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Niggemann, E., 2012 "The importance of open data to national libraries", IFLA conference 2012 Helsinki. Available at: [accessed 4/9/2013]
Shvaiko, P., Farazi, F., Maltese, V., Ivanyukovich, A., Rizzi, V., Ferrari, D., Ucelli, G. 2012, "Trentino government linked open geo-data: a case study", 11th International Semantic Web Conference. Available at: [accessed 2/9/2013]
Szekely, P., Knoblock, C.A., Yang, F., Zhu, X., Fink, E.E., Allen, R., Goodlander, G. 2013, "Connecting the Smithsonian American Art Museum to the Linked Data Cloud", Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) in Montpellier. Available at: [accessed 2/9/2013]
Wenz, R. 2013, "Linked open data for new library services: The example of",, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 403. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Training materials
Best practice report on cultural heritage linked data and metadata standards (en)
This deliverable has three roles in the project: 1) Educate the partners, and the wider cultural heritage community, about linked data. This includes linked data‟s associated technical standards; 2) Give advice based on the use of linked data in the cultural heritage community; 3) Inform the subsequent work of WP 2 in the rest of the project. (2011) 88 p.
Documented APIs (en)
This report documents a set of application programming interfaces offering a simple and structured way to access the aggregation functionalities and repository capabilities of the Linked Heritage technology platform. A set of read access interfaces allows external systems to programmatically search and retrieve user and organization profiles, mapping files, reports and other data from the system. Write capabilities enable external systems to dynamically add new content as well as perform operations on existing datasets. The architecture design is based on predominant models such as REST and, standard wire-level protocols such as the AMPQ, in an effort to adopt existing tools and technologies that facilitate interoperability with external systems. Data exchange is following open standards such as XML, JSON, RSS and the Atom Publishing Protocol to allow developers to get up to speed quickly and reuse existing solutions. (2012) 31 p.
Metadata gateway (en)
This report documents the technological solution for the establishment of the Linked Heritage Metadata Gateway (Task 5.3). The service complements the project's technology platform (Task 5.1, Deliverable D5.1) offering the technical components necessary for metadata remediation and in particular for the delivery of metadata to Europeana (ESE/EDM compliant). Following the modeling requirements of WP2, WP3 and WP4 and, close collaboration with the Europeana Office ensures interoperability of the Linked Heritage Technology Platform with the Europeana Ingestion infrastructure and the Europeana portal. The Linked Heritage Metadata Gateway handles and remediates XML metadata for the execution of the ingestion plan and RDF resources for prototyping of semantic web-enabled metadata services. (2012) 18 p.
Your terminology as a part of the semantic webrecommendations for design and management (en)
This publication, edited by Linked Heritage WP3 and ATHENA WP4 "Terminology and multilingualism", aims in priority at people working in European museums, experts or non-experts in Information Engineering and/or Linguistics, who have an interest on terminology and multilingualism. It proposes recommendations helping you to manage your terminology, to make it compliant and optimized for improving multilinguality on Europeana and to make it as a part of the Semantic Web following. The more you respect them, the more you improve the future retrievability of your digital collections online. web version (2011) 112 p.
Berners-Lee, T. 2012, The year open data went worldwide on Available at: [accessed 30/8/2013]
Berners-Lee, T. 2012, The next Web of open, linked data on Available at: [accessed 30/8/2013]
Oldman, D. 2013, Publishing Cultural Heritage Linked data . Available at:
Oldman, D. 2013, ResearchSpace CIDOC CRM Search System. Availeble at: [accessed 30/8/2013]
Shadbolt, N. 2012, Open Data - Promise and Perils. Presented on 10th September 2012 at the Digital Research 2012 conference held at St Catherine's College, University of Oxford. Available at:
Shadbolt, N. 2013, The Value of Openess - The Open Data Institute and Publically Funded Open Data during the Natural History Museum of London Informatics Horizons event. Available at:
Sporny, M., 2007, Intro to the Semantic Web. Available at:
Sporny, M., 2008, RDFa Basics. Available at:
Sporny, M., 2012, What is linked data. Available at:
Sporny, M., 2012, What is JON-LD?. Available at:
Bianchini, C. 2012, Il Library Linked Data Incubator Group e il futuro delle biblioteche.(Unpublished - Draft 6 marzo 2012). Available at: [accessed 24/9/2013]
De Robbio, A., Giacomazzi, S. 2011, "Dati aperti con LOD" Bibliotime, anno XIV, no. 2. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Escolano Rodrìguez, E. 2013, "ISBD adaptation to semantic web of bibliographic data in linked data",, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 119. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Ford, K. 2013, "LC Classification as linked data",, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 161. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Mac Kenna, G. 2013, "Linked Heritage Experience in Linking Heritage Information",, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 325. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Riva, P. 2013, "FRBR Review Group initiatives and the world of linked data",, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 105. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Shadbolt, N. 2012, The Importance of Open Data for Growth. Available at: [accessed 30/8/2013]
Tillett, B. 2013, "RDA and the Semantic Web, Linked Data Environment",, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 139. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]
Zeinstra, M., Keller, P., Open Linked Data and Europeana, Europeana foundation. Available at: [accessed 10/3/2013]