MINT Services (Learning Object included)

Site: Moodle - Sistema Bibliotecario d'Ateneo
Course: EU project: Linked Heritage
Book: MINT Services (Learning Object included)
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Date: Sunday, 19 January 2025, 7:49 AM


It includes MINT services and aggregation

About the Learning Object


This LO is for technicians (librarians, archivists, museum curators) involved in metadata mapping procedures. It could be a useful resource also for managers of cultural institutions because they can gauge the necessary skills their staff should have and decide if they can contribute to Europeana independently or with the help of an aggregator.

The resource comprises 4 sections: Aggregators, the Linked Heritage aggregator, the MINT platform and practical tips.
The mapping workflow in MINT, developed by the National Technical University of Athens, is described in detail in the training materials and further readings, and visualised through screencasts. The LO also gives practical tips to technicians working on the mapping activities.

Hosted and maintained by CAB, Padua University

Using the Learning Object

This learning object can be accessed by any modern Web browser.
The video can be downloaded in High Definition.
The text can be downloaded as a .txt file.

Aim: to provide skill

It requires basic knowledge of metadata formats, metadata mapping and legal issues.

Reading and training materials

Case studies

Training materials


Case studies

Training materials

Drosopoulos, N. 2012, Cultural Heritage Aggregation in Europe, 26th -27th September 2011 1st Training Workshop, Rome. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]

Guidelines on the use of the Linked Heritage aggregator (MINT) Available at:  [accessed 22/2/2013]

Linked Heritage: Content aggregation: tools & guidelines. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]

Linked Heritage DEA Task Force (2012). Use of Content in Linked Heritage and Europeana (v. 5). Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]

Piccininno, M., Vassallo, V. 2012, Guidelines for the ingestion procedure (WP6 Coordination of content), 26th -27th September 2011 1st Training Workshop, Rome. Available at: [accessed 28/2/2013]



Linked Heritage Technology Platform (en)

This document reports on deliverable D5.1 (Prototype, Public) “Linked Heritage Technology Platform”, that is made available online for validation and for the large-scale contribution of content to Europeana (in WP6) and for dissemination & training (WP7). The technology team led by NTUA integrated all the necessary components into a common technology platform, starting from the basis of the ATHENA ingestion server. The Linked Heritage Technology Platform provides content holders with the ability to perform in an efficient way the required mapping of their own metadata schemas to the project's reference metadata schema, as well as their publication to Europeana. It is based on NTUA's metadata interoperability platform MINT, that follows a typical web-based architecture offering an expanding set of services for metadata aggregation and remediation. It addresses the ingestion of metadata from multiple sources, the mapping of the imported records to a well-defined machine-understandable reference model, the transformation and storage of the metadata in a repository, and the provision of services that consume, process and remediate these metadata.  (2012) 14 p.


European Union: Directive 2013/37/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information (Text with EEA relevance) Available at: [accessed 13/9/2013]
Europeana Professional: Provide Data. Available at: [accessed 1/3/2013]
Guha, S. 2012, "Curating Data, Disseminating Knowledge: Museums of the Digital Age", Proceedings ECLAP 2012 : Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment : Florence 7-9 may 2012, p.41-45. Available at: [accessed 11/9/2013]
Natale, M.T. 2011, "Europeana data excange agreement", Bollettino AIB, vol. vol. 51 n. 3 (luglio-settembre 2011), pp. p. 245-253 Available at: [accessed 22/2/2013]
Piccininno, M., Friberg, A., Natale, M.T. 2011, Aggregator Survey II, 2010-2011. Analysis of the Europeana and Athena survey for aggregators. Available at: [accessed 1/3/2013]
Vassallo, V., Piccinnino, M. 2012, "Aggregating Content for Europeana: A Workflow to Support Content Providers", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7489, pp. 445-454.