Persistent Identifiers: What if? (Learning Object included)

Site: Moodle - Sistema Bibliotecario d'Ateneo
Course: EU project: Linked Heritage
Book: Persistent Identifiers: What if? (Learning Object included)
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Date: Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 8:37 AM



About the Learning Object


This Learning object deals with Persistent identifiers (PIDs).
It is divided into 17 sub-units each of which consists of two parts: a dialogue between two owlets (on the left of the screen) introducing PIDs, and a video (on the right of the screen) representing the concepts.
The idea was to use the famous painting by Botticelli, the Birth of Venus, as a metaphor.

The PID functional requirements are uniqueness, persistency, resolvability, reliability, authoritativeness, flexibility, interoperability and cost effectiveness and in this LO they are represented by visual and musical metaphors. If any of them go missing, the painting can no longer be identified.
The video shows how the painting is gradually altered by eliminating, adding or changing any of these functional requirements and how it returns to its original state once its PID requirements are back in place.

Using the Learning Object

This learning object can be accessed by any modern Web browser.
The video can be downloaded in High Definition.
The text can be downloaded as a .txt file.

Aim: to provide skill

Although this LO is aimed at managers of cultural institutions, it is also interesting for entry level LIS professionals.
Its contents, supplemented by training materials and further readings, raise awareness and provide users with basic information on PIDs and their applications in digital collections of cultural institutions.

Readings and training materials

Cases studies

Training materials


Case studies

Bellini, E., Cirinnà, C., Lunghi, M., Luddi, C., Messina, M., Bergamin, G., Messuti, R., Cordani, G., Delle Donne, R., Rossi, F., Vignocchi, M., Arabito, S. & Piščanc, J. 2012, "The National Bibliography Number Italia (NBN:IT) Project. A persistent identifier supporting national legal deposit for digital resources",, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-26. Available at: [accessed 18/9/2012]

Training materials

This section contains the Linked Heritage Project deliverables and booklets, sister project booklets (Athena, Minerva), slides, guidelines and manuals edited by Linked Heritage partner Institutions (both in English and in their native language) relevant to the topic.

Persistent identifiers (PIDs): recommendation for institutions (en)

A short introduction why “persistent identifiers” are needed and what systems are currently available. Edited by ATHENA WP3 Working Group “Identifying standards and developing recommendations” (2011) 34 p.

State of the art report on persistent identifier standards and management tools (en)

This deliverable concerns persistent identifiers (PIDs) in cultural heritage information repositories with respect to standards, management best practices and software and hardware architectures for PID assignment and management.Edited by Work package 2 of the Linked Heritage project (WP 2), (2012) 46 p.


A reference list of websites inspired by the Athena project
Booklet: Persistent Identifiers (PIDs): recommendations for institutions by Gordon McKenna and Roxanne Wyns, 2011. Available at:





Australian National Data Service, Persistent identifiers awareness: beginner/awareness level. Available at: [accessed 23/3/2012]

Australian National Data Service, Persistent identifiers: working level. Available at: [accessed 23/3/2012]

Bellini, E., Cirinnà, C., Lunghi, M., Persistent Identifiers for Cultural Heritage. Available at:[accessed 23/3/2012]

Bozzarelli, O., Casella, M. 2011, Gli identificativi persistenti. A Torino un seminario di presentazione, Biblioteche oggi, vol. 8 pp. 66-70. Available at: [accessed 23/3/2012] 

Fondazione Rinascimento digitale, Persistent identifiers in brief. Available at: [accessed 23/3/2012].

Gradmann, S. 2010, Interoperability. A key concept for large scale, persistent digital libraries. Available at: [accessed 21/5/2012]

Hakala, J. 2010, Persistent identifiers – an overview. Available at: Standards in metadata and interoperability. TWR technology watch report. [accessed 5/6/2013]
Lunghi, M., Cirinnà, C., Bellini, E. 2013, "Trust and persistence for internet resources",, vol. 4 no. 1 pp. 375. Available at: [accessed 1/3/2013]
Nicholas, N., Ward, N. & Blinco, K. 2009, "A Policy Checklist for Enabling Persistence of Identifiers ", D-Lib Magazine,  vol. 15, no. 1/2. Available at: [accessed 21/5/2012]
Puccinelli, R., Saccone, M., Trufelli, L. 2011, "Identificativi Persistenti: standard, policy, infrastrutture" Seminario organizzato dalle Biblioteche Civiche Torino e Bess, Available at: [accessed 9/9/2013]
Study on persistent URIs, with identification of best practices and recommendations on the topic for the MSs and the EC, D7.1.3. Joinup - Share and reuse interoperability solutions for public administrations. Available at: [accessed 10/9/2013]
Svensson, L.G. 2010, "Universal Access to Cultural Heritage Material: The Europeana Resolution Discovery Service for Persistent Identifiers", DC-2000 - Pittsburgh Proceedings, Pennsylvania 20-22 October 2010. Available at: [accessed 4/9/2013]
Tonkin, E. 2008, "Persistent identifiers: considering the options", Ariadne, no. 56. Available at: [accessed 4/4/2012]