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A.A. 2021 - 2022
Corsi di laurea magistrale
lgbt activism TUNISIA
lgbt activism TUNISIA
link to open resource.
◄ recorded lesson (2021) with prof. Naima Muhammadi on the policy of the veil in middle east
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Pagina dell'offerta Formativa
timetable of the course with topics
link to the zoom meeting to follow the course online
orario ricevimento 2022
google file presentations
paper type 1 - descriptive
paper type 2 - with a specific research question
example of ppt presentation - phd level
paper type -3
digital libraries at unipd
digital libraries- maria cristina vettore
example of presentation
decolonial methodology of esearch
decolonial methodology of reaearch
decolonial feminist perspectives in methodology
decolonize university
recorded lesson 12
teaching in a gender perspective: my position on gender as a category of analysis
Joan Scott - gender as cetegory of anaysis
deconstructing gender stereotypes - an experiment with students
genedr identity and political orientation - scientic paper
recorded lesson -1
presentation day 1
presentation day 2
discrimination and harassment unipd can help you
video unipd anti harassment mesures
need help?
lgbtqia+ in Eu universities - policies and methodologies
the feminine mistique
citizenship of rights - Birte Siim
phillys Schalfly
citizenship and stereotypes - PERINI
lesson day 3
citizenship of rights
8 march women's day: the power of protests
8 march - need for international intersectionality
8 march strike
8 march women strike against the system
non una di meno Italia website
8 march international women day in history
8 march strike the war
day 4 - recorded lesson
Federica Giardini - genere e conflitto - complicating catgories on gender
Kimberlè Crenshow - on intersectionality
Angela Davis - women race class
Kimberlè Cranshow - mapping the magins
From Universal citizenship to plural citizenship
EU report on LGBTQIA+ rights
complicating categories -1
day 5 - recorded lesson
complicating categories - 2
cedaw- web site
CEdAW shadow report: italy, 2017
glossary on gender equality
EIGE and Section J of Beijing platform for Action
meaning of gender equality - Lombardo&Verloo
UNDP report - human development and anthropocene
day 6 - recorded lesson
Verloo and Lombardo - critique to the Eu gender equality perspective
institutions and gender equality part 2
institutions and GEnder Equality - part 1
day 7 lesson recorded
Adichies talk on cutltural perspectives- ted talk 2009
Adichie- we should all be feminists
why I'm not a feminist - jessa crispin
angela davis interview
what's feminism?
bell hooks feminist perspective from the margin
feminism for the 99 per cent
decolonial feminism and degrowth
sobre o feminismo decolonial
KIRAN ASHER on decolonial feminism
femminismo decoloniale
francoise verges - decolonial feminism
lesson recorded n.8
waves of feminism - feminism for all
giving feminism a bad name
lesson n. 9 recorded
extractivism and cuerpo territorio
gender and decolonization
lesson recorded n. 10
decolonize your eyes
intersecionality and decolonial feminism
decolonial feminism in latin america -2
recorded lesson day 11
bell hooks - from center to the margin
Maria Lugones on decolonial feminism
we should all be feminists
a sea full of stereotypes
Un on gender stereotypes
Eu EIGe on gender stereotypes 2012
on beauty
deconstructing stereotypes
western eyes - chandra talpade mohanty
Donna Haraway - situated knowledge
judith butler - gender trouble
reproductive rights under attack
protests in Poland 2021
turkey wants to quit istanbul convention
reproductive rights under question
intersectional feminism and architecture
fair cities for all
gender and the city of vienna
non sexist city
the view of black women
the post covid city
ted talk - London- Eleen Cosgrove on feminist city
ted talk - city for women is a city for all
Kern - the feminist city
david harvey on the right to the city
the legacy of jane jacobs
gender and the cities
decolonizing urban planning
gender perspective in architecture
decolonize the city - on refugee camps
paper on refugee camps from a different angle
recorded lesson
silvia federici inteview 2021
silvia federici crisis of reproductive labor in pandemia
gender perspectives in labor market in America Latina
nancy fraser on capitalism and labor market
nancy frascer on capitalism and care - 2
kate rawath - the economy of the doughnut
mujeres defendiendo el territorio
extractivism and conflicts
berta caceres - decolonial experiences in South America
decolonial feminism in south america
labour market feminism and the commons
cuerpo-teritorio and practices of extractivism in America latina
video interview to Veronica Gago - argentina
silvia federici about the concept of COMMONS
concept of reproduction - silvia federici
globalization and reproduction
freedom of speech
recorded lesson (2021) with prof. Naima Muhammadi on the policy of the veil in middle east
bibliography - professor ACCONCIA
activism in iran
activism in Middle East
activism in Middle East
blog on middle east politics
information on middle east
protests in tunisia
The Syrian conflict- women in refugee camps
Lgbt right in EU
giuseppe acconcia - lgbt rights in Middle East
recorded lesson (2021) on women in refugee camps
naima muhammadi - slide and articles
recorded lesson n. 1 with prof. Acconcia
migration and globalization
recordeed lesson n. 2 prof. Acconcia
empowerment for who?
two slides on cities as context of violence and our errors
recorded lesson
presentations 1
presentations- 2
presentations -1
presentations - 2
presentations 3
presentations- 4
presentations -5
presentations -6
pressentations 7
bibliography - professor ACCONCIA ►