
In these examples a simple analysis of a binary file containing simulated data from the nuclear physics course is performed (the same data can be found also in text format).


Bragg curve dump - version 1

Bragg curve dump - version 2

Bragg curve mean - version 1

Bragg curve mean - version 2

Bragg curve mean - version 3

Bragg curve mean - version 4

Bragg curve mean - version 4b (version with "lazy evaluation", using mutable variables)

Bragg curve plot - version 1

Bragg curve plot - version 2

Bragg curve plot - version 3 - description

Bragg curve plot - version 4

Bragg curve plot - version 5

Bragg curve plot - version 6


A likelihood discriminator: description - data

Likelihood discriminator - version 1 - discussion

Likelihood discriminator - version 2

Likelihood discriminator - version 3

Likelihood discriminator - version 4


To access examples download the files and unpack them with the commands

tar -xzf braggDump_v1.tgz

and so on for all the other .tgz file

Ultime modifiche: mercoledì, 9 dicembre 2020, 18:44