
Preliminary list of exam projects

Preliminary list of exam projects

di Antonio Trovato -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear Students,

   first I forgot to make my Christmas wishes to you at the end of my last lecture; sorry for that.

Below you will find a preliminary list of "projects" among which you need to choose the one you will present at the exam. During the exam I will make questions only about issues related to your presentation.

Concerning exam date I will be flexible; we can agree on different dates with respect to the official one.

You can e-mail to me the project you wish to select. A given project should be selected by only one of you. For this reason I will set a (first) deadline on next Sunday, December 29th (at midnight).  On Monday 30th, I will deal with possible double requests for the same project.

The projects are listed briefly; you are welcome to ask me by e-mail more details about them.
The projects are roughly divided into 3 classes (although in a couple of cases they are a mixture): book sections/chapters to read and report on, scientific papers to read and report on, numerical simulations to perform and report on. You are welcome to propose a specific project you are interested in, or to propose a generic subject (I will try to find a relevant paper).

I refer to paper by last author's name. I will upload all of them on Moodle later on today. In cases where you find more papers referring to the same topics in the list (e.g. reaction-diffusion models), each paper corresponds to a different project.

The list is preliminary, because it lacks the topics of the January lectures. I may also add later on other projects on topics already covered.

The topics of the last 4 lectures should be: computation of quenched free energy and participation ratio within REM by using the replica trick (1 lecture); Jarzynski equality and fluctuation theorem (2-3 lectures); generalized ensemble methods in Monte Carlo simulations (0-1 lectures).

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy 2020

Kind regards

Antonio Trovato




Livi-Politi book

1) Random Walk with Absorbing Barriers (1.5.2) + Stationary Diffusion with Absorbing Barriers (1.6.3) + Isotropic and Anisotropic Random Walk in a Trap (D.5,D.6) with application to Compact Directed Percolation (4.2.1) + numerical simulations of lattice random walk with absorbing trap

2) Generalized Random Walks + Anomalous Diffusion (chapter 1.7)  + Sokolov Paper

3) Details of the Mean Field solution of the TASEP Model + BRIDGE model: mean field general solution and exact solution of the BRIDGE model for beta << 1 (4.4.2, 4.5, appendix K)

4) Thermoelectric effects (quick recap of Seebeck, Peltier + Thomson Joule) + thermo-magnetic and galvano-metric effects (2.8.2)

5) Linear Response in Quantum Systems (2.9 and 2.10)

6) Interface Roughness: scaling, exponents, self-affinity; general derivation of WE,KPZ equations (5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

7) Edwards-Wilkinson equation (5.6)

8) Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation (5.7)

Mezard-Montanari book

9) Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization and Complexity classes (P vs NP): (chapter 3)

10) Proof of the "direct part" of channel coding theorem for a generic channel (6.4,6.8) and of the "converse part" for BST (6.5)

11) Number partitioning (chapter 7)


12) Domany-Kinzel model (d=1+1), evaluation of rho(t,p) -> quenched average (q fixed), omogeneous initial conditions: find p_c and critical exponent using phenomenological scaling -> fig. 20 Hinrichsen 2001

13) Contact processes (1+1) DP vs. DyP (p2 = 0; p2>0):  find transition point and critical exponents for Dyp

14) Parity conserving model (1+1): PC vs DP; find transition point and critical exponents

15) More inactive states: DP2 vs. DP: find transition point and critical exponents

16) Bak-Sneppen model (d=1):  statistics of avalanches and power laws

17) TASEP model with open boundary conditions: (random or zero initial conditions) find asymptotic stationary density profiles in the different phases

18) BRIDGE model: (random or zero initial conditions) find asymptotic stationary density profiles in the different phases

19) Comparison of Metropolis vs. Wang-Landau: ising 2d and/or spin glass (2d)


20) Review SOC: Gros, Chakrabarti

21) Review Bak-Sneppen model: Pang

22) Review percolation: Sabari

23) Review heteropolymers: Tanaka

24) Review Maximum entropy methods to study protein sequences: Weigt

25) Review KPZ: Corwin

26) Review of Reaction-Diffusion models: Voit, Frey, Galic, Luthey-Schulten

27) Non equilibrium statistical physics: Attard, Van den Broek