Before we can provide you with a license file we need your machine information.
Just download and install AMS and submit the machine information to

1. Download

Get the right binary for your machine from will make SCM User ID and password available to you.

2. Install

  • Windows: run the exe with Administrator privileges, accepting all defaults.
  • Mac: open the dmg and drag the item to the Applications directory.
  • Linux: untar the tgz, modify the in the AMS installation directory as necessary, and source it. For more detailed information, see the installation manual:

3. Submit machine info

The easiest is to submit the machine info through the graphical user interface (GUI) by just running amsjobs.
If you don't use a GUI, please use the command  "$AMSBIN/dirac check" instead and send the output to

  • Windows: double-click the AMSjobs shortcut
  • Mac: run the application
  • Linux: run amsjobs & (see the installation manual for more info)

You will be prompted for your username, password, and email address when you first use AMS.
After submitting your correct details, an email with the information to make your license will then be automatically sent to SCM.
Once we have received your machine information we will send you a license file.
We will typically process this within two business days.

All license file questions should be sent to

We strongly encourage you to contact us at for ANY other problem you may encounter with AMS.
This includes installation problems, questions about ADF functionality, as well as bug reports.

Last modified: Thursday, 5 October 2023, 12:22 PM