A scopo precauzionale, tutte le lezioni dei Corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale, dei Corsi Master e di dottorato, nonché tutti gli esami programmati nella settimana dal 24 al 29 febbraio sono sospesi.
Date e scadenze (incluse quelle relative alle prove finali) saranno adeguate di conseguenza.
Nella settimana dal 24 al 29 febbraio saranno sospesi anche i ricevimenti dei docenti e saranno inoltre sospese le aperture al pubblico dei servizi del Dipartimento.
Il Dipartimento fornirà tutte le informazioni aggiornate sull'evolversi della situazione attraverso il sito web e tutti i canali di comunicazione istituzionale.
The University of Padova is paying great attention to Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) developments.
Currently there are no cases related to the virus in the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", but as precautionary measures, we inform you that the lessons of Undergraduate and Graduate Courses, PhD Programme and Master, and the examinations - scheduled in the week from 24 to 29 February - are postponed to the following week.
All University study rooms and libraries are closed to the public.
The recovery of lessons and exams will be communicated as soon as possible on this site and on official communication channel.
In the week from 24 to 29 February, office access and opening times of the student services, and all the activities characterized by unmonitored access implying ongoing student aggregation, are to be suspended.
For those of you planning to take final exams in the next week - prior to returning to the Home Country - we will ensure an opportunity to take the exam, once the situation will be clearer.
We will be in touch with all the community as soon as possible through all official communication channel - please stay alert.
In the week from 24 to 29 February, access to offices will be suspended. Should you need any information, the International Office will provide prompt responses via online modes:
email: international.economia@unipd.it
phone: + 39 049 8271232 - 1290
Skype: international_economia_unipd
For further information, you can also contact the student services staff:
Teaching Office
phone: + 39 049 8271230
Stage & Placement Office
phone: + 39 049 8271270-1280
Orientation Service
phone: + 39 049 827 1226