The Laboratory

The Hemato Oncology Clinic is directed by Prof. Alessandra Biffi and pertains to the Department of Woman and Child Health, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

The Laboratory of Pediatric Hemato Oncology is part of the Clinic and was started by Prof. Giuseppe Basso in 1989. The greatest effort was and continues to be placed on introducing the most sophisticated technology available today, in order to provide the highest level of diagnosis and care possibile to every child afflicted with a malignant hemopathy regardless of birth place or center where daily care is being administered.

The main strategic research areas are periodically evaluated to determine their corrispondance to the needs of the patients and excellence they offer as well as technological advances.


The areas presently active are grouped as follows (click a group to open the activity info, click 'hide content' to close it):

Quality Group

Sample Registration and Pretreatment Group

Morphology Group

FlowCytometry Group

Cytogenetics Group

Molecular Genetics Group

Antigen Receptor Group

Gene Expression Profiling Group

Cancer Stem Cells/ Cell Therapy Group

Experimental Pharmacology Group

Cellular Immunity Group

Lymphoma and Sarcoma Group

ICT and Informatics Group

Today the diagnostics carried out in the Lab are reference points for all the European cooperative groups. In fact there have been great advances in the immununophenotypic aspects due to the introducuction of 8-10 colour multiparametric analyses. Additionally, we have introduced routine use of molecular biology in diagnosis and in disease monitoring of Leukemia. The cytogenetics group has developed molecular diagnostic examinations through FISH and CGH, as well as CGH array. Gene Expression Profiling (GEP) and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) are also perfomed for clinical and reaseach purposes. Additionally the Lab carries out a lead role in applied methodologies for the analyses of minimal residual disease (a methodology used in the new European therapeutic protocols) and participates in international standiardized quality controls in molecular and flow cytometry diagnostic applications. The Lab is also the reference center for the morphological, immunophenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular diagnoses for AML patients.

The Lab is of no doubt one of the most complete diagnostic laboratories worldwide: it was chosen as one of 11 international laboratories (and the only European pediatric laboratory) to carry out a collaborative study of 4000 patients afflicted with leukemia for the determination of a new diagnostic standard for the most common hematological pathologies (MILE study).

The Flow Lab participates in training programs of the AIEOP-BFM Community to promote a world-wide maturation program in MRD analysis for clinical application of Flow MRD in clinical Labs.


  Prof.Basso interview
TV7 - June 2015
  Prof.Basso interview
TV7 - October 2015
Prof.Basso interview
TV7 - October 2015
Link: RAI2 - I Fatti Vostri
Jump to:1h34m41s

Prof.Basso interview
RAI2 - January 2016  
Un filo appeso al cielo interview
Web - May 2016
Eroi per caso o per fortuna - Admo Trentino interview
YouTube - January 2017
Last modified: giovedì, 19 maggio 2022, 7:16 AM