Important and legal notes about materials and contents published on this web portal:

  1. Materials and contents about patients provided by this web portal are always and strictly anonimous and never report personal data.
  2. Materials and contents are property of the Pediatric Hemato Oncology Laboratory, Department of Woman and Child Health (SDB), University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
  3. Any answer to external requests must be considered only as suggestion provided by our staff. The application of our suggestions it's only and exclusively a decision taken by the requester. Our Laboratory, the Department SDB and the University of Padua decline every responsability caused by the inadequate application of our suggestions.
  4. The use, reproduction or citation of any material or content provided by this web portal must be clearly specified in the user acknowledgements.
  5. The use, reproduction or citation of any material or content provided by this web portal are protected by the Italian laws D.L. 196/2003 and D.L. 82/2005.

FlowInLab Staff

Last modified: Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 10:07 AM