Important and legal notes about materials and contents published on this web portal:
- Materials and contents about patients provided by this web portal are always and strictly
anonimous and never report personal data.
- Materials and contents are property of the Pediatric Hemato Oncology Laboratory, Department of Woman and Child Health (SDB), University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
- Any answer to external requests must be considered only as suggestion provided by our staff. The application of our suggestions it's only and exclusively a decision taken by the requester. Our Laboratory, the Department SDB and the University of Padua decline every responsability caused by the inadequate application of our suggestions.
- The use, reproduction or citation of any material or content provided by this web portal must be clearly specified in the user acknowledgements.
- The use, reproduction or citation of any material or content provided by this web portal are protected by the Italian laws D.L. 196/2003 and D.L. 82/2005.
FlowInLab Staff
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 10:07 AM