Library 101 - for social sciences international students
Topic outline
Library 101 is a course for social sciences international students who want to learn about services and resources offered by University libraries.
This course gives an overview on information literacy, that is the ability to find, access, evaluate, organize, use and communicate information.
These skills are essential to do effective bibliographic researches and to write your final dissertation, too. Overall they are helpful to improve your research on a topic or to write an assignment, anytime you need to retrieve relevant and complete information and communicate it.
To join the second part of the course (practice in the classroom), connect to the website:
- select as “Area of interest” SCIENZE_SOCIALI
- enroll to library 101- the practice
"We are drowning in information while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely"
(E. O. Wilson. 1998. Consilience. The Unity of Knowledge. New York: Knopf)Enjoy the course!
This unit will help you to:
- choose a topic of interest for your research
- focus on the topic
- identify the key concepts related to your topic
- write a question that sums up the topic
Go through the activity to the end
Go through the activity to the end
It’s time to collect information on your study topic. You’ve probably already checked encyclopedias, books or relevant websites; now you have to widen your research.
This unit will help you to:
- identify the different types of sources
- choose the proper ones
- identify the documents
Go through the activity to the end
Go through the activity to the end
This unit will help you to:
- learn research strategies to get the best results
- use GalileoDiscovery, the Library system discovery service to search for books, articles, journals and many other resources
- learn the search techniques implemented by databases, to access relevant academic articles
- browse the web to find academic content
Go through the activity to the end
Go through the activity to the end
Evaluating the information you find in your search is an important process in your academic work. You will need to evaluate each resource you use for research, whether it is an online or print journal article, a website, a book, a newspaper article, or other source.
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Understand if you have enough information
- Adapt your research strategy to your purpose
- Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of your resource
Go through the activity to the end
Go through the activity to the end
You have already collected and evaluated the results of your research. Now you are ready to start writing your text.This final step of the research process consists of drafting, writing and reviewing the paper and includes the citation of the sources of information you used, both within the text and in the bibliography.
At the end of this unit, you will know:
what steps are needed to write a text
how to correctly cite the sources
Go through the activity to the end
Go through the activity to the end
Now you are ready to partecipate to the second part of the course.
Meet us to practice bibliographic research in the classroom.
Sign up here and select "Scienze Sociali" to enrol on 101 LIBRARY- EXERCITATIONS.