Linked open data (LOD) is a growing movement for organisations to make their existing data available in a machine-readable format. This enables users to create and combine data set and to make their own interpretations of data available in digestible formats and applications. LOD is all about opening up information and data as well as making it possibile to use and reuse it.
1.: Information is available on the Web (any format) under an open license
2.: Informationis available as structered data (e.g. Excel instead of an image scan of a atable)
3.: Non-proprietary formats are used (e.g CSV instead of Excel)
4.: URI identification is used so that people can point at an individual data
5.: Data is linked to other data to provide context.
Data represent "things" (known as resources) that can can be anything, including: objects, archival material, books and other document types, media files, places, persons, and organisations, events and concepts (such as material, colour, and style). RDF is the standard in linked data used to describe the "things".