Depliant della Biblioteca |
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Biblioteca |
Depliant con i servizi e le risorse della Biblioteca in lingua italiana |
Depliant ITA STAT 2025.pdf |
Library leaflet |
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Library |
Library leaflet about services and resources at the library in English. |
Depliant ENG STAT 2025.pdf |
Mappa della Biblioteca |
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Biblioteca |
Mappa della Biblioteca con indicazione delle collezioni. |
MappaBibliotecaStatistica.pdf |
Mappa dei posti a sedere in Biblioteca |
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Biblioteca |
Mappa dei posti a sedere prenotabili tramite l'app Affluences (in italiano). |
Mappa-posti-biblioteca-stat-2024-A3.pdf |
Library seating map |
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Library |
Map of seats available for booking via the app Affluences (in English). |
Seating-map-library-stat-2024-A3.pdf |
Library map |
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Library |
Library map with the location of collections.
StatisticsLibraryMap.pdf |
Brochure affresco biblioteca |
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C. Bruno |
Brochure affresco.pdf |
Brochure Santa Caterina |
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C. Bruno |
Brochure Santa Caterina.pdf |
Presentazione alle matricole triennali a.a. 2024-25 |
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C. Bruno |
benvenuto triennale 24-25 .pdf |
Presentazione matricole magistrali a.a. 2024-25 |
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C. Bruno |
Infografica per magistrale STAT.jpg |