Indice degli argomenti
Epidemic models
03/10: Introduction to the course. Slides #1
04/10: SIR model. Slides #2
10/10: SIR model with demography. Slides #3
11/10: Extensions of the SIR model. Slides #4
17/10: SIR model with mortality and risk structure. Slides #5
18/10: SIR model with age structure, multiple layers, complex contagion. Slides #6
26/10: Laboratory about the SIR model. Examples of MATLAB code available here
Epidemics over networks
14/11 - Fundamentals of network science for epidemics - Slides #9
21/11 - Epidemic spreading over a network - Slides #10
28/11 - Robustness of networks and vaccinations - Slides #11
Spatial and temporal spreading
12/12 (double lecture): metapopulation, data collection, temporal evaluations
13/12: metapopulation for spatial spreading, global outbreak simulation Slides #12
19/12: maximum likelihood models for disease detection Slides #13