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    • This video introduces to the Course of Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis 2.

      Dates of classes correspond to AY 2021/22, see communications for AY 2022/23.

  • Teaching Materials

    • Contains the Notes  (Theory and Exercises) of the Entire Course

      Course Syllabus

      - Euclidean space R^d (Chapter 1)

      - Differential Calculus (Chapter 2)

      - Vector Fields (Chapter 3)

      -Integration (Chapter 4)

      - Surface Integration (Chapter 5)

      - Basic Differential Equations (Chapter 6)

      - Advanced Differential Equations (Chapter 7)

      - Systems of Differential Equations (Chapter 8)

      Detailed program will be given at the end of the course.

  • Exam Materials

    • Contains exercises to prepare for the exam. 

      Text of exercises 1-8, Solutions of exercises 1-8.

      Text of exercises 9-10 (first partial exam) and solutions.

      Text of exercises 11-22 (second partial exam).

      Solutions to exercises 11-19.

      (updated JUNE 6TH)



    • Introduction to the course. Euclidean norm, definition and main properties.

    • Limit of a sequence of vectors: finite and infinite limits, examples and exercises. Accumulation points, limit of a function of vector variable vector valued.

    • Exercises on limits for sequences. Limits of functions: sections, non existence criterium. Exercises. Existence of limits.

    • Exercises on limits for functions of several variables.

    • Exercises on limits for functions of several variables.

    • Exercises on limits.

    • Continuity. Basic topological concepts: interior and boundary points. Open and closed sets. Examples.

    • Exercises on open, closed, bounded and compact sets. Weierstrass theorem. Connected sets, intermediate values property. Directional derivative. Examples,

    • Cantor characterisation of closed sets. Sets defined by constraints. Examples. Bounded sets.

    • Remarks on directional derivative. Partial derivatives, examples. Differentiability, jacobian matrix, gradient vector, examples.

    • Exercises on differentiability. Rules of calculus, total derivative. Fermat theorem, stationary points-

    • Remarks on Fermat theorem and stationary points. Applications to optimization problems: exercises.

    • Exercises on unconstrained optimization. Constrained optimization: Lagrange multiplier theorem for functions of 2 variables. Examples.

    • Exercises on Lagrange multiplier theorem.

    • General Lagrange multipliers theorem. Exercises

    • Multiple integrals (slide interrupted by electricity shut down)
    • Exercises on reduction formula. Change of variables formula. Integration in polar coordinates. Examples.

    • Exercises on multiple integration with polar, spherical and cylindrical coordinates.

    •  Parametric surfaces, examples. Area of a parametric surface: examples and exercises.

    • Exercises on areas of surfaces. Surface integrals. Flux of a vector field, examples. Outward flux: divergence theorem and applications. Exercises

    • Exercises on divergence theorem and fluxes.

    • Introduction to differential equations: Malthus and logistic equations, catenary equation, Newton equations.

      First order linear equations: general integral, Cauchy problem, exercises.

    • Exercises on first order linear equations.

      Separable variables equations. Examples. Solution of logistic and catenary problems. Cauchy problem: exercises.

      Second order linear equations with constant coefficients: general solution, Lagrange formula. Exercises.